I read "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn", the story is the adventure of Huck and Jim. Huck is a boy who lives with Widow Douglas in St. Petersbury, Missouri. Jim is the Widow's black slave. They traveled to look for their freedom. They go down the Mississippi river and meet many kinds of people. Huck's father wants his money. His mother left a lot of money for Huck. At first, they stay the house in the river. When Huck wear dress and go to a house to stole foods, the master said about Jim, they quickly go down the river. They meet storm, Tom,Duck and King. Huck grow up in the adventure. I must keep an eye on it. I think that boys like an adventure. I got courage from him.131 wordsPENGUIN READES LEVEL 3ISBN 0582420504
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